Who is Lindamira?
Lindamira is the title character in The Adventures of Lindamira, which may be the oldest romance novel originally written in English.
The Adventures of Lindamira, first published in 1702 in London, and lightly updated for modern readers in a 2023 edition. Read more about it here or buy it on Amazon.
Lindamira is also a title character in the fan fiction short-story sequel, Indamora to Lindamira, by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, written in 1704. Discovered and first published in 1994 by Juvenilia Press, this story may be the first fan fiction of a romance novel. A free, modernized 2023 eBook edition of Indamora to Lindamira is available by subscribing for free to my email list below.
The name Lindamira also appeared at least twice in published books and twice in public plays before The Adventures of Lindamira was published. Its roots are probably derived from Spain, Portugal, or Italy.
The word Linda in Spanish & Portuguese origin means beautiful, and mira means look or view, so the name Lindamira has a direct meaning of beautiful to look at.
This novel is as delightful now as it was when it was an international best-seller in the 1700s, when it played an important role in the development of native English literature. The 2023 edition has been updated with modern capitalization, punctuation, spelling, with added footnotes and commentary.
* Which romance novel was the first to be originally written in English depends on the definition used for romance. A strong case for The Adventures of Lindamira being the first is presented in the back of the 2023 edition.

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