Indamora to Lindamira

Indamora to Lindamira
is the first fan fiction of an English romance novel, and it's a short-story sequel to The Adventures of Lindamira. It was written in 1704, first published in print in 1994 as originally written, and now available in this modernized 2023 eBook edition.
The 2023 edition has been modernized, with annotations and commentary added by John D. Lambert, and is available for free, only by subscribing to his email list below. Subscribing is also free, and will only be used for occasional updates about his books and related projects. The 1994 print edition is available from Juvenilia Press.
- The Author
- The 1994 Edition
- The 2023 Edition
The Adventures of Lindamira was published in 1702 as 25 letters from Lindamira to Indamora, who was one of her most trusted confidantes. Near the end of Letter 6, Lindamira wrote, “…and I hope sometime or other, you will repay me with an account of your own life, which is a mixture of such variety of fortune, that it will oblige me to be acquainted with the particulars, which I can only know from yourself.”
In 1704, a 14 or 15-year-old Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (née Pierrepont) 1689–1762, fulfilled this fictional character’s expressed desire to hear of Indamora’s romantic adventures when she wrote the fan fiction short story Indamora to Lindamira a year or two after Lindamira was published. In an earlier draft, Lady Mary first called this short story The Adventures of Indamora. However, she wrote it in her writing journal, and it was never published until 1994, by Juvenilia Press.
Lady Mary had a very keen intellect and read everything she could get her hands on, teaching herself Latin and becoming a prolific and acclaimed poet and narrative writer, despite the lack of a formal education. When Edward Wortley Montagu, grandson of the 1st Earl of Sandwich, and Mary’s father could not reach a financial agreement regarding the terms of their potential marriage, she eloped with him in 1712, at age 23.
To learn about several fan fiction tie-ins to The Adventures of Lindamira that Lady Mary incorporated into her story, read the Historic Fan Fiction chapter at the back of the 2023 eBook edition.
The 1994 edition of Indamora to Lindamira is both the first time it has ever been published, and the first book that Juvenilia Press ever published! Yes, you can get the 2023 edition here for free, but it’s not the same as the 1994 edition, and with the historical significance of the 1994 print edition, you should consider getting both.
The 1994 edition is in print only, and the 2023 edition is only in eBook form. Equally important, the 1994 edition has very few edits of the text, so you can see the story very close to its original form, while the 2023 edition has been modernized to improve clarity and ease of reading. Each edition has different commentary and different notes, with the 1994 edition including more history, analysis, and 27 illustrations.
The 1994 print edition of Indamora to Lindamira was edited by Dr. Isobel Grundy, with commentary by her, illustrated by Dr. Juliet McMaster, and annotated by Susan Hillabold, all experts in 17th and 18th-century English literature.
You can order the 1994 print edition here: Catalogue-17th-18th-century | Juvenilia Press
Juvenilia Press
Juvenilia is defined as works of writing by authors while they were still young, and Juvenilia Press (JP) was created by Dr. Juliet McMaster and Dr. Isobel Grundy at the University of Alberta, Canada, and Dr. Christine Alexander at the University of New South Wales, Australia, each an academic expert in English Literature. JP has been working for decades to find the best of juvenilia works and make them available to the public, and each reprint includes original literary analysis and history.
JP’s first publication was Lady Mary’s Indamora to Lindamira, and was first released in 1994. Since 1994, JP has continued to find invaluable juvenilia from some of the most famous authors of literature in English, such as Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, Charlotte Bronte, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, and many more. They publish the end product of a critically edited text by an experienced international academic editor, and usually one or more graduate students, who write an introduction and provide historical background.
The 1994 print edition of Indamora to Lindamira and many other books, including another by young Lady Mary titled The Adventurer, are available from Juvenilia Press at
Purchasing their books helps provide funds for them to keep expanding their research to find more lost treasures!
Indamora to Lindamira was written in 1704 and the 2023 eBook edition has been modernized in spelling and capitalization, some obsolete words have replaced with current words, and a few confusing passages have been paraphrased to improve clarity and ease of reading, all while trying to remain faithful to the author’s original intent.
The 2023 edition is only available to the public in eBook form and the 1994 edition is in print only. Equally important, while the 2023 edition has been modernized, the 1994 edition has very few edits of the text, so you can see the story very close to its original form. Each edition has different commentary and different notes, with the 1994 edition including more history, analysis, and 27 illustrations.
Get the 2023 edition for free by subscribing to John’s email list below. Subscribing is also free, and will only be used to send occasional emails about John’s books and related projects. You can cancel at any time.
As long as Juvenilia Press keeps their 1994 edition in print, the 2023 edition will be eBook only, except for a few printed copies for collectors.
The 2023 eBook edition of Indamora to Lindamira is only available here, for free. Print copies of the 1994 edition are available from Juvenilia Press. Print and eBook versions of the 2023 edition of The Adventures of Lindamira are available on Amazon.
Lindamira Map
Spoiler Alert: Some notes for the pinned locations contain plot spoilers.
This custom Google map contains locations related to the 1702 romance novel The Adventures of Lindamira, the 1704 fan fiction short-story sequel Indamora to Lindamira, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who wrote Indamora, and someone who may have written Lindamira.
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Signing up is also free, and I’ll only use the list to make occasional announcements about my book projects.