Thanks and Acknowledgements

  • I wrote most of the content for the initial version of this website, but it was very ugly and only marginally functional, so I hired Muaz Hamayun, to make it look professional. He was easy to work with, and I think he did a great job. He chose an appropriate aesthetic theme, organized and improved my text, and made it all function well. He’s available through Fiverr through this link. If you see anything that’s inconsistent, you can blame the additions I’ve started making. 
  • Thanks to Alex Diaz, who was the first contemporary poet to give me permission to reprint some of his poems in my upcoming love poetry book Crimson Leaves. You can read them now if you buy his books
  • Many more people will be thanked regarding Crimson Leaves in the months to come.
  • Thanks to the 8th Earl of Harrowby, Conroy Ryder, his assistant Nicola Finlay, and the Sandon archivist Michael Bosson, for providing me with copies of Lady Mary’s original manuscript of Indamora to Lindamira.
  • Thanks to the extraordinary literary PhD’s Juliet McMasterIsobel Grundy, and Christine Alexander, who created Juvenilia Press to find the best works of great authors which were written in the authors’ youth, and make them available to the public, and to all their students and staff who helped expand JP’s extensive list of works and continue their efforts. It makes the world a better place.
  • Thanks to my daughter Rebecca for our two-person review team to prooofread and polish my edits on both The Adventures of Lindamira and Indamora to Lindamira, and to my wife Carla and the rest of my family for their support, especially their advice on many edits that involved choices between almost equally good options. 

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